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Pipeline Leak Detection System

Detect leaks faster and with confidence

Detecting a pipeline leak quickly and effectively can be limited by a systems level of sensitivity, accuracy, reliability and robustness.

Eliminate the guesswork that compromises safe and reliable pipeline inspection by detecting and locating leaks accurately and in real time, regardless of fluctuating pipeline conditions with the OptaSense pipeline leak detection system.

Detect leaks faster with superior sensitivity

Internal leak detection systems are one of the most common technologies used to detect a leak. Common pipeline leak detection technologies use point sensors to track flow rates, as well as apply mathematical and statistical computations to monitor flow rates, pressures, temperatures and product characteristics. Although these systems are useful in identifying leaks, they lack in sensitivity. Leaks take longer to detect, and small pipeline leaks may go completely undetected.

Instead of relying on computational assumptions, the OptaSense pipeline leak detection system uses multimode leak detector to identify the physical characteristics of a leak, such as changes in temperature, pressure, ground strain and acoustics, in real time. This patented multimode detector delivers increased sensitivity and reliability so you can identify leaks faster, in order to eradicate minor issues before they become major incidents. In fact, our fiber-based system can detect small leaks 10 times faster than internal systems—allowing you to detect a 0.1% leak size within a matter of minutes.

Locate leaks with increased accuracy

Another issue with with leak detection methods used in many common systems is their inability to identify the location of a leak. With internal systems, leaks are determined by analyzing discrepancies between predicted and measured values. For accurate computational modeling, these systems require a large number of point sensors to monitor the extended range of a pipeline. Due to cost, sensors are only installed in increments along key areas of the pipeline, which limits their coverage and reliability.

With the OptaSense pipeline leak detection system, the fiber-optic cable acts a fully distributed sensor that offers thousands of detection points along the entire pipeline, capable of pinpointing the location of a leak within 10m, in real time.

Increase confidence in alarm reliability

Point sensors not only struggle to detect and locate leaks, calibration errors and fluctuating pipeline conditions can impact a system’s reliability—resulting in false alarms, missed leaks, or an unnecessary shutdown. Nuisance alarms are also an issue with many external fiber-based systems because they rely on a single detection method, such as temperature.

To minimize the costly impact of an unreliable system, the OptaSense leak detection application validates leaks before sounding an alarm. Using a patented multimode leak detector, our system detects and locates suspected leaks by measuring changes in noise, temperature, pressure, and ground strain, simultaneously and in real time. Multimode detector settings can be customized across every 10m section, adjusting to the environment and operating states at various locations.

Rely on robust system performance

Today’s complex pipeline networks require robust systems that perform under changing fluid compositions, temperatures and pressures, which for many internal systems often result in computational errors and false alarms. The OptaSense leak detection application eliminates these issues by performing reliably under transient, slack-line, and multi-phase flow conditions. Even when critical pipeline infrastructure goes offline, this fiber-based system ensures continuous and reliable real-time event detection, classification and location.

Validate Performance Basis

Trust in a leak detection system lies in two areas. Is the performance fully validated? Can you prove the pipeline leak detection system works? We take these questions seriously and to answer the first question of “validated performance” we have gone to great lengths to undertake full scale tests on both above ground and below ground pipelines in both gas and liquid at world-leading 3rd party facilities. 

Established Verification Options

The second question – Will the pipeline leak detection system work on my pipeline? We have again undertaken a lot of work on this – all traceable back to our primary validation work. We have a range of options available to clients for in-field verification and are constantly working to provide more. 

OptaSense Validates Industry Leading Pipeline Leak Detection System In Real World Environments


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