Pipeline Leak Detection
Detect, locate and classify threats in real time
You go to great lengths to safely and reliably transport oil and gas to the market. And, although there have been several developments in pipeline monitoring technology, many systems have limitations that leave pipelines vulnerable to leakage, damage and theft.
Overcoming these limitations often results in the installation of multiple, cost-prohibitive systems to effectively monitor various leak scenarios. But it doesn’t have to.
Pipeline Monitoring
Detect, locate and classify threats in real time
You go to great lengths to safely and reliably transport oil and gas to the market. And, although there have been several developments in pipeline monitoring technology, many systems have limitations that leave pipelines vulnerable to leakage, damage and theft.
Overcoming these limitations often results in the installation of multiple, cost-prohibitive systems to effectively monitor various leak scenarios. But it doesn’t have to.

OptaSense raises the bar by delivering a single system that detects smaller pipeline leaks faster and more reliably, while simultaneously monitoring for third-party interference and other external pipeline threats in order to prevent leaks altogether.
The OptaSense pipeline monitoring system offers a variety of detector applications to monitor leaks, right of way and third-party interference, geohazards, theft, critical infrastructure and inline pigging devices in real time, from a single operating system.