Cost-effective, repeat acquisition
OptaSense vertical seismic profiling (VSP) services provide accurate, repeat borehole seismic measurements that provide enhanced imaging of the reservoir, without the need for well intervention.

With OptaSense VSP acquisition services operators have easy and repeatable access to the best seismic imaging techniques for optimal mapping of reservoir stimulation and depletion efforts. This optimizes reservoir recovery planning by mapping changes in the reservoir due to production operations.
Using OptaSense DAS technology, our VSP acquisition services provide coverage along the entire length of the wellbore, using hundreds or even thousands of virtual sensing gauges that provide accurate seismic measurements.
The ability to cost effectively take repeated time-lapse measurements on an array with full well length aperture, in otherwise inaccessible wells, provides a unique capability in 3D/4D seismic acquisition. After installing the DAS fiber, there is no need for further wellbore interventions.
As a result, you can perform time-lapse VSP surveys in a cost effective manner for the life of your asset, without any loss of production from your wells. You can even perform simultaneous VSP surveys on multiple wells from a single pad location.
Our VSP acquisition services include:
- The 4th generation DAS interrogator unit, providing industry leading DAS measurements
- Interfacing with and synchronized control of the seismic sources
- Real-time file generation of seismic data
- Real-time correlation of virbroseis measurements
- Real-time stacking of multi-shot measurements
- Fully populated file headers containing source and receiver locations
- In-field quality control of source and receiver instruments

High fidelty seimic without geophones
- Complete VSP surveys in previously inaccessible reservoirs such as HPHT
- Field-proven for monitoring CO2 injection and enhanced oil recovery methods
- Record raw seismic data at 20 kHz for increased signal-to-noise response
- Instrument the entire wellbore to shoot VSP surveys during completions
Quality acquisition without intervention
- Record seismic surveys surface to depth, without tool movements
- Perform complete, multiple VSP surveys without wellbore intervention
- Permanently deployed fiber-optic cable has proven repeat-ability
- Highly robust equipment performs insitu for 15-20 years
On-demand 4D time-lapse
Due to cost, 4D VSP acquisition at shorter intervals may not be feasible. However, the OptaSense DAS-VSP service is flexible, quickly mobilized and offers favorable economics for repeat acquisition monitoring. Through the use of our DAS-VSP 4D time-lapse service, the operator effectively monitored conditions throughout the reservoir over time— increasing recovery, optimizing cost, reducing risk and extending the life of the field.
Unmanned VSP services
Manned operations for recording instruments can amount to significantly increased risk and cost depending on the duration and location of the program. Through the use of a suitable internet connection OptaSense can provide unmanned VSP services through remote monitoring of OptaSense equipment and data. This significantly reduced cost and HSE exposure for our client by reducing lodging, substance and day rates for an onsite operator, in exchange for a daily remote monitoring fee.
Additional Seismic Services
Processing And Imaging
PROCESSING AND IMAGING Gain a Wealth of Knowledge With Superior Data Processing and Imaging Our offering includes imaging and processing of vertical seismic profiling (VSP) and microseismic data. In addition to standard products, we offer
Microseismic Processing
MICROSEISMIC PROCESSING Sub-seismic resolution measurements in real-time Distributed fiber-optic sensing is increasingly being used for microseismic monitoring and processing using fiber permanently installed on casing or temporarily deployed on wireline. Real-time microseismic processing in the
Microseismic Monitoring
MICROSEISMIC MONITORING SERVICE Fiber Optic Microseismic and Strain Determine Fracture Geometries OptaSense provides a unique solution for microseismic monitoring. Our fiber-optic interrogators allow for high fidelity microseismic monitoring in individual or multiple wells and can
Dedicated Expertise
DEDICATED EXPERTISE Rely on a team of dedicated experts With years of experience processing data from complex geological environments, our experts apply advanced algorithms and methods to solve complex processing and imaging challenges. The Team
Advanced Workflows
ADVANCED WORKFLOWS Overcome complex processing and imaging challenges Whether the goal is to optimize the acuisition geometry or predict the seismic response, we believe a successful VSP project starts with modeling. Success begins with a